Flying like a bird, making waves with the board, lifting snow clouds or swishing over the ice on skates at a dizzying speed? Yes, this is what kiting is all about. Kiting ranks among the adrenaline sports, no wonder, when a big inflatable kite flies over your head, allowing you to reach speeds that you probably never even dreamed about.
You will learn how to control the kite and tame the wind for your own benefit from one of our Kitesport instructors, who have a lot of experience with everything used in combination with the kite.
Whatever you choose - buggykiting, landkiting on special roller skates, winter snowkiting and icekiting, or classic kiteboarding on the water in the summer months, you will never be bored and you will enjoy all the wind. Our Kitesport instructors will show you the basics of kiting on a large meadow near the campsite Jestřábí, and then there is nothing to stop you from chasing the waves on Lipno like real masters in Černá v Pošumaví, where the conditions for kiting are marvellous.
Locality: Sport centre and camp Cerna v Posumavi
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