Nordické bruslení
Bruslení je tradiční zimní radovánkou a když udeří ty správné mrazy nejeden rybník se pokryje nadšenými bruslaři. Zkoušeli jste však nazout nordické brusle a poškádlit nohy pěknou porcí kilometrů na zamrzlé ploše Lipna? Pokud jsou pro vás nordické brusle úplnou novinkou, pak neváhejte a přijeďte je vyzkoušet, jakmile je jednou nazujete a projedete se, už nebudete chtít nikdy měnit.
Nordic skates are actually long knives that you can either attach to classic winter boots or snap to cross-country ones through a classic binding. Then there is nothing left but to take the poles in your hands, get on the ice and go where your feet, nose or eyes will lead you. The Lipno Dam is the only Czech water area that will offer you a real ice highway. If your legs and arms allow it, you can travel tens of kilometers across the ice without having to circle, dodge or overcome obstacles. Both types of skates are available at the rental shop in the Jestřábí camp, and when you get up, you can easily complete the entire marathon on the ice. If you are a truly forged athlete, then nothing prevents you from trying to conquer even the highest goal in the winter, and this is the only Ice marathon in the Czech Republic and Central Europe. You can find more about it here.
Location: Sports camp and center Černá v Pošumaví
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